We believe that business is personal.

Building the right relationships with the right people creates a distinct strategic advantage for your business that will deliver accelerated success and rewards.

Meet Us


Bob Vogel

  • 40 years leading high-growth and high-performance industrial businesses
  • Proven innovator with a focus on R&D, Operational Excellence and Organizational Development
  • Deep buy-side M&A experience, acquired and integrated dozens of companies
  • Prior senior executive leadership experience at Ametek, Aeroflex and Acterna/JDS Uniphase



AEA Investors LP was founded in 1968 by the Rockefeller, Mellon and Harriman family interests and S.G. Warburg & Co. as a private investment vehicle for a select group of industrial family offices with substantial assets. AEA has an extraordinary global network built over many years which includes leading industrial families, business executives and leaders; many of whom invest with AEA as active individual investors and/or join its portfolio company boards or act in other advisory roles.

Contact Us

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  • 520 Madison Avenue, 40th FL
    New York, NY 10022


  • 215-740-2057


  • bob.vogel@VisitSyCon.com

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